Friday, June 1, 2012

Why I'm Emergent & why a new blog

I'm just a normal guy with an extraordinary vision to see Jesus the person vs. Jesus the religion become a reality.  I don't know if this would be a comeback or a new thing.  Not sure.  I'm not anti organized Christianity, I know allot of great people attending many Christian denominations who are doing their best and often making a big difference.

I'm just not sure how long this can continue.  Its been said that every 500 years or so the church has a garage sale or some kind of reformation.  In other words something NEW emerges.  I am certainly a part of this new emergent movement.  But if you know anything about this new "movement" its not really very organized.  It also has many liberals, progressives & conservatives all mixed together with the one goal.  To facilitate the emergence of a group of Jesus followers that are truly authentic and real.

There are so many distractions within organized churches.  Some are certainly redeemable and some really just need to go.

Most of all I agree with Doug Pagitt, pastor of Solomon's Porch in Minneapolis who recently said on an edition of homebrewed christianity; "We need to be in relationship with different kinds of people."

We need to start organizing our churches or fellowships around people instead of theology.  What if all kinds of people who wanted to follow Jesus could all share the same community, even if you don't agree. I am open and affirming to my LGBT friends but I'm open to share fellowship with those who just can't agree that God could approve of these relationships.  What about Democrats & Republicans?  Most churches are one or the other.  Why?  What about different theologies.  Why can't we all walk this journey with Jesus together!  I actually think both the male and female disciples probably represented the whole scope of opinions, theologies and moralities.  They were an amazing mixed bag!

I believe the church was to be a community that believes in Jesus & shares communion despite its differences.  Tolerant, accepting and willing to walk through anything together.  As it is now most churches are outside in, meaning forcing morality from the outside which results in legalism and fundamentalism.  With such a focus on outside behavior how is anyone suppose to really come to the community with a problem they need to grow with?  We need an inside out walk of faith.  One that is relying on the Holy Spirit.  One that relies on one another.

We wonder why the church and christians act the way they do sometimes?  Its only about looking good from the outside and when that engages the world its uglier than anything you can imagine.

Inside out inner transformation creates real change.  Real motivation.  Real love.  When these engage the world its the most beautiful thing in the world.  Just like in the journey of Jesus himself, people are sought out, brokenness is identified, people are loved not judged and healing is the wake left behind!

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