Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Emergent Label

I'm a teacher at heart and that teaching takes me all over the place and into many different types of churches, schools and organizations.

The first thing everyone wants to know is your label.  Well, they don't use that language but that is what they mean.  Where can I fit you into my world.  Conservative or liberal.  Democrat or Republican.  Religious or non religious.  Extrovert or Introvert?

So even though I don't really like labels I'm often put into a place where I have to try to use them.  The problem is that words ALWAYS have baggage.  When you use a word, others already have an idea of what that means which is not always what you are meaning.

My dad likes to have fun with the word liberal.  If someone says its bad to be liberal he might reply why?  What do you mean by liberal.  What if I want to be a liberal giver?  You can see what I mean.

So for me in the last few years I've fallen into the category of "Emergent".  I do love this term but so many don't really know what it means.  Sometimes I'm not even sure (haha).  I do believe we are in a period like the reformation & that the church has gotten so far off the tracks that we need something new to Emerge.  So when THAT is a persons definition of Emergent, then I am.  We are NOT known by our love at all & something has to change.  Something new MUST emerge.

In past years most Emergents have liked to refer to this as "The Emergent Conversation".  Like it wasn't a movement, it was a conversation.  Now I like conversation, but I like action more.  In this way I'm probably NOT Emergent.  I'm more of a doer.  I love giving to beggars.  I love social action.  I love trying to do things that Jesus would do.  So I'm all for being Emergent in one sense, but I'm not if all its going to be is talking about all the ideals the world should have and how to solve them.

So you can see the problem with labels & words.  They carry baggage.  We have to either pick & choose the right ones, explain what we mean by them or know who we're talking to.  It can give you a headache.  For me, there is often no other way.  So I'm constantly using them but I'm usually very purposeful about who I'm around, what they understand and how I can make sure they know what I mean when I use certain words or labels.

To fully understand The Emergent movement you probably should read up on the internet & for sure read the books I suggested a few blogs ago.  Especially start with Rachel Held Evan's book "Evolving in Monkey Town".  Then if you add to that McLaren's "A new kind of Christianity" and Rob Bell's "Love Wins" that is the best intro I can give you.   You will at least have the general idea about the questions people are asking and why we don't have to have all the answers.

Also you might just feel yourself being set free from the old traditional Christian guilt & shame based religiosity and you just might find yourself FREE to really seek to know Jesus and find truth in the mystery without being judgmental, fundamental or a legalist.

What I see emerging in me is love, compassion and grace for ALL!  This is my hope for this elusive thing we call the Emergent church.

What do you think?  Let me know what you think about Emergence or other labels or frustrations or opinions!!!!  Come on lets get some chatter going.  Share this blog with your friends!!

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